Sunday, January 3, 2010

My New Year Resolution

1- I wanna get married to the man I loved on 10-10-2010 or 20-10-2010. Haha… Both dates are sweet, aren’t they? But my bf is sweeter. Actually we never discussed about the date. It’s my dream to get married on 10-10-10 simply because of the number. However, I don’t want to put my relationship at stake just because of my stupid wish to get married on a nice date. Any day will be fine as long as he’s the groom.

Getting married is my priority now. Actually I can’t imagine myself turning 27 this February and still single. I do wanna have kids before 30. I don’t wanna take risk giving birth after 30 years old. I know that he will say that I think too much. Yes dear, I do, because it’s our life we’re talking about and I want our life to be as ideal as it can be. I really hope my dear will understand that. InsyaAllah.

Honestly, sometimes I have this crazy thought in my mind- Is he ready to marry me in 2010 as whenever I talk about marriage, engagement or anything related to weddings, he will just shut his mouth up. Sometime, he even changes the topic. Maybe he’s just tired of my nagging?

Anyway, I always remember the promise that he made a few months ago that something will happen in 2010 and he’s working on it. Yes dear, together we make it happen OK.

2- Every month I want to put RM2000 aside in the bank! I have to seriously control my spending. In 2009, I spent the bonus that I earned by giving my family a house makeover and gold pendant for my mum. This year, I have told my mum that I wanna get married and I wanna save money every month for my wedding reception.

Haha .. Why am I so excited about marriage? Huh, I just love him! See, I can’t stop talking about Al.

I also wanna use that money to travel with Al-Iza and my travel buddies. Australia, Korea, Japan, Europe etc..

If got extra, maybe I can use it for my 2nd, 3rd or 4th honeymoon with Al-Justin. (macam la banyak sangat duit)

3- I wanna lose waight! Haha.. My target is 48 kg and I will make sure I achieve that before my wedding day. I am going to look pretty on the day. Haha.. Actually that’s just one of the many reasons. The main reason is to maintain a healthy BMI as overweight may lead to so many illness and if I am sick, Al-Justin will have to take care of me. I don't want him to carry the burden and I don't want him to be sad. Therefore, I wanna to stay fit, pretty and healthy.. Ameen. InsyaAllah.

4- My work??? Hmm.. not much. I just wanna pass my ACD assessment with flying colors, meet my KPIs and maintain my rating.


Friday, January 1, 2010

My boyfriend and I

Selamat Tahun Baru 2010.

I loved New Year.

For me, New Year is a day to reflect myself, reset my target and realign agenda to achieve the target. I love starting over. When I start fresh, I feel like a new person, striving to a better life, learning from errs and lessons from ‘last season’.

2009 was a wonderful year for me even though it started with a devastated heart wrenched break-up with my ex. Anyway, I was happy with the breakup. Not because my love for him has faded, but because I was too exhausted fixing up the relationship. Yeah, it did not workout. It has reached a stagnant point and he’s not ready to make any move forward. To make matter worse, he avoided me for months without any phone calls whenever he wanted to be ‘single’. Relationship with a commitment-phobic made me suffocated, seriously. I need to pull a brake because the relationship was hanging loosely and he did not even try to repair it.

After the breakup, I felt so lonely and empty. Luckily I had my besties to support me, especially my Al-single friend-Iza. Thanks dear! From that moment onward, I found myself learning to appreciate the people around me, more than before. I remember, when I was blinded by love, I took friendship for granted. When love dumped me, friends turned up to support me. Thanks girls! With their helps, I managed to move on. I let my eyes and even my heart widely open to see the new chapter of life without him in it.

There’s a moment when I felt so fragile. I hate myself for falling for the wrong guy. In the darkness, I ponder why? Ironically I had this silly theory in my mind –.My heart melts easily when I see a macho and intelligent guy! I believed that that type of guys will be able to protect and take good care of me. They will give me the security that a girl needs.

I don’t have any brother. I lost my dad when I was 14. Ever since, I hunger for a dad’s love. My dad was caring and protective. As could still remember, he never allowed me to go to school alone. Everyday, he dropped me right in front of the school gate and after school he’d be ready on his bike to pick me up. He was never late. I always assumed that a boyfriend can resume a father’s role and love me they way he did. I always want a bf that resembles him. Yeah, I admit I was totally wrong. A boyfriend cannot replace my lost dad.

Actually I do have a step dad and step brothers which I rarely spoken to. Somehow, I feel awkward and for me he’s still a stranger although we live under one roof. The closest man I have in my life was my ex-bf and now he’s gone.

Life is not that cruel. Not long after that, I realized that I have this one man standing firmly by my side during my ups and downs. He was there all along but I purposely ignored him while I was in relationship with my ex. When, our good friend revealed his feeling toward me, I was still in denial about the breakup. I treated him as usual and pretended liked ‘I know nothing about your feeling and I don’t need a man’.

But he is different. Although he is younger than me, he is very mature. He is a very very nice guy, brilliant and he is charming in his very own way. I could see that he’s very persistent in everything that he does, including courting me. Haha.. He’s my King Al. The nicest guy I have ever met.

Honestly, I’ve never been treated so nice before. Every morning King Al picked me up and sent me to the office. He waited until I finished my work to send me home. When he found out I watched movie all alone by myself, he quickly bought himself a ticket and looked for me in the cinema. When I was craving for late-night supper, he drove all the way and brought me food. When I was low with my friend’s cynical remark about my love life, he gave me a phone call all the way from overseas for hours to make me feel better.

Ok let cut it short, finally I fell for him and his effort. King Al is the best thing that ever happened to me in 2009. I am deeply overwhelmed by his love. I always thought that I’m so unlucky in love. I never knew that I could be loved again. Thanks Al for loving me. You have given me a new perspective of love.

Friday, November 27, 2009

what would you do if your bf couldnt return your call just bcoz his parents, his siblings or his cousins are around?

aarrghh.. i just miss him. and i wish he'd call me tonite...

I miss you

I miss you
eventhough i see you every second
I miss you
eventhough i hear you every hour
I miss you
eventhough i smell you every day

I miss you more
when you are studying
because you always forget to call
I miss you more
when you are busy
because you always forget our date
And I miss you more
when you are angry
because you always forget to smile

I always miss you sayang
simply because i love you

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A day at the clinic

Receptionist: Miss Cantik Berseri Seri
Me: Yes
Receptionist: Here is your card. Sign here and go to the next counter for your medications
Me: Thanks

Pharmacist: Antibiotic dan ubat selsema ambil lepas makan, and gargle every 2 hours.
Me: Eh, tak de ubat batuk ke?
Pharmacist: Tak de pulak. U tak request ke tadi?
Me: Request? (Mata terbeliak). No, do I have to? I ve told him (doctor) that I batuk and selsema. Takpe, I want ubat batuk. If you don’t have it, just give me lozenges.Tekak I ni gatal sangat.
(Dalam hati: Kasi ubat gargle nk bunuh kuman dalam mulut, tapi tak kasi ubat batuk. Camne irritation kat tekak nak hilang)
Pharmacist: In that case, you have to wait for a few more minutes because we need to issue a new receipt and therefore we need your card back.
Me: Never mind, take your time. Tapi I nak ubat batuk jugak. Nah.. my card.

I have no intention of mengada-ngada, cari pasal or menyusahkan staff kat situ. Honestly I was shocked because the doctor did not prescribe ubat batuk. As far as could remember, I clearly said that I have flue and dry cough right in front of the doctor’s not-so-convincing-face. I have been suffering from strong irritative coughs since last week and I did not see it getting any better. The more coughing I do, the more my head ache. To make matter worse, I even pollute the peaceful-and-quiet surrounding of my beloved colleagues with coughing and of course lah influenza virus… Muaahahaha…

In fact I did cough a little when the doctor checked me up. Oh, maybe a little cough is not enough for him to grasp the point that I am desperately in need of ubat batuk. But he did say that my tonsil is red and a bit swollen. Didn’t he realized it was because of the nonstop-coughing for 4 consecutive nights. That’s it; I could not bear those sleepless nights anymore. Doctor ni memang sampan.

Secondly I hate when the pharmacist question me ‘tak request ke?’, If I already had a list of ubat that I require at the first place, I would NOT waste my time to see a doctor. Instead I can just go straight to Guardian pharmacy and ‘request’ for ubat batuk and ubat selsema.

My friend once said, ‘when you see a doctor, make sure that you give him a damn sick look and nag about your sickness, or else he will think that you are just making up excuses to get an MC’.

Of course I won’t be able to annoy a doctor with that superficial look and exaggerate about how sick I am, but today I’ve got my lesson learnt. Next time I will specify what medication I need before I leave the consultation room. ‘Doktor, saya nak ubat demam, ubat selsema, ubat batuk dan yang berkaitan.’

At least I won’t be surprise with the medication he prescribed since I request for it.

Lost in the parking...

B:Sayang, where are you?
A:Dalam kereta.
B:I’m at the parking but I couldn’t find where your car is….
A:I kat tempat semalam la.
B:Kat mane? Now, I am going straight … Can you see me? Tell me where I should go.. I am totally lost.
A:Ha, I can see you. Hey, at your back
B:Meaning I have to turn back?
A:No, turn right. I’m at the back of that car.

B:At last, I found your car. Sorry yang…
A:Lupa ke yang?
B:Aah, Rasa macam sama je kiri kanan. Tak sure yang mana satu.

Pity me, I don’t know why, but at this age I suffer from a chronic short term memory lost. Whenever the illness hits me, I forget things as if they never exist in my mind or as if they suddenly are being erased from my memory lane. And the symptoms persist…. Because most of the time, I am lost.

Luckily, (maybe lucky for me, but unfortunate for him) I have this one-and-only man-who-called-himself-Justin to cling to whenever I’m in trouble. He is my reliable guidance, my dedicated counselor, my devoted supporter and of course lah my loyal unpaid driver.

Ok, back to the story. Nasib baiklah dia tak melenting. As usual, I throw him the sweetest smile that I could fake to hide my worries, and as expected he smiled back, sheepishly. It has been a while since he found out about my habit of forgetting things, but what to do kan.. bila hati dah sayang… lalalalalalala~

He drove me back to my home sweet home and he then headed home without a single distressing word about my lateness, my so-called-illness or even my oily face.

He is my other half; a man-who-called-himself-Justin (He's a bit perasan. Only his hair looks like Justin Timberlake OK)

Anyway, thank you so much dear, & i always love you

Missing you

Dear, i just want u to know that i really miss you...
And i wish, you are here with me...

queen albee